Having paved the way to create our city’s Vision, Mission, Goals, and Strategic Plan, I worked collaboratively with the 2020 Council to develop a comprehensive approach to improve our city. We now have a blueprint for success, and I’d like to drive our plan forward to complete the work that remains.
What's been achieved
Our budget has been responsive to our Strategic Plan, bringing it to its healthiest state in 15 years. Careful planning has brought us a long way in a few short years. We’ve experienced significant development because of the hard work done to make our city a more inviting place overall, such as:
The Amazon Fulfillment Center just off the SCLA site will bring 1,000 new jobs to our city and is due for completion in June 2023.
CarMax is coming to town!
It’s encouraging that Measure P, the plan I spearheaded after calling for a Public Safety Plan, has exceeded early projections and brought in more revenue than anticipated. We’ve been able to expand critical services to meet the demands of our growing population. A few highlights include:
We’ve hired additional law enforcement personnel and are actively planning for a new, more modern police station;
We’ve added Code Enforcement personnel for proactive operations and to respond more ably to the concerns of our community;
We’ve opened Fire Station 315, located in our southwest region, and have fortified fire and medic services, including with upgraded equipment;
We are developing an up-to-date library, situated in a safe area that is more accessible to our entire community—at the Greentree Clubhouse;
We’re working on improving our parks and other recreation.
What's coming next
Victorville is on the move. Great progress has been made toward healthy community development and economic development. This is what we all want, but much work has yet to be accomplished. I will ensure we carry out our Strategic Plan, create more local, higher-paying jobs, and improve parks and recreation. Victorville must be the go-to place for investors and developers who wish to bring in big projects and businesses that align with our vision.
Enhance Our City's Framework
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Take Action Against Crime
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