More than a decade ago, I was working in my garage on a Saturday and was approached by an eager, well-prepared person canvassing my street on a hot day. I was impressed because no one was out but she chose to walk down my long street and speak to any willing listener. I was dressed in basketball shorts and a t-shirt, so she had no idea I was an educator. Debra gave thoughtful responses to my questions and was happy to share her care for students, families, and fiscal responsibility. Debra would go on to win that seat and eventually become the Mayor of Victorville after leaving the school board. I watched Debra Jones demonstrate high levels of professionalism and fiscal responsibility while serving on a city council that was chaotic and sometimes embarrassing. I no longer live in Victorville, but I hope that Debra Jones wins re-election to the City Council. I’m happy to support the re-election of Debra Jones to the Victorville City Council.